What is identity column in sql server?
is it mandatory to select all the column in a view then what columns should be selected
What is oracle sql called?
Why is theta join required?
What is a primary key, and how is it different from a unique key?
Is join same as left join?
What are local and global variables and their differences?
I am creating an index on Emp table Empno column,if u using this indexed column in ur SELECT stmt. where clause,then how do u know that yr index will be working or nor? Thanks Advance...
If we update a complex view, is base table will get update ?
2 Answers Ardee Technologies, HCL,
What is bind reference and how can it be created?
suppose we have a table in which 200 rows. i want to find 101 row ? what the query.... and how we find 4th and 5th highest salary and 1 to 10 highest salary
Why do we use joins?
how to shutdown mysql server? : Sql dba