What is bind reference and how can it be created?
How can I tell if sql is running?
what is the difference between blob and text? : Sql dba
How do I create a sql database?
What are indexes, and what are the different types?
How to fetch alternate records from a table?
what is the functionality of the function htmlentities? : Sql dba
if we give update table_name set column_name= default. what will happen?
what is foreign key? : Sql dba
How will you select unique values from a list of records?
how to insert values like 10:10:00,30:25:00 etc.into table after insert how can i sum the above insert values to get the result as 40:35:00
how a reference cursor works?what all adnvantages are gained with it..specify the situation?
Can we rollback delete command?