What is a primary key, and how is it different from a unique key?

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What is a primary key, and how is it different from a unique key?..

Answer / nashiinformaticssolutions

• Primary Key:
o Ensures each row in a table is unique.
o Cannot contain NULL values.
o A table can have only one primary key.
• Unique Key:
o Ensures all values in a column are unique.
o Can contain a single NULL value.
o A table can have multiple unique keys.

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What is a primary key, and how is it different from a unique key?..

Answer / glibwaresoftsolutions

• Primary Key:
o Ensures each row in a table is unique.
o Cannot contain NULL values.
o A table can have only one primary key.
• Unique Key:
o Ensures all values in a column are unique.
o Can contain a single NULL value.
o A table can have multiple unique keys.

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What is a primary key, and how is it different from a unique key?..

Answer / hr@tgksolutions.com

• Primary Key:
o Ensures each row in a table is unique.
o Cannot contain NULL values.
o A table can have only one primary key.
• Unique Key:
o Ensures all values in a column are unique.
o Can contain a single NULL value.
o A table can have multiple unique keys.

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