how to shutdown mysql server? : Sql dba
What is cursor status?
What is the primary key?
What is a schema sql?
How you will create Toad Function?
What is synonyms?
If I have a table T with 4 rows & 2 columns A & B. A has values 1,2,3,4. and B has 10,20,30,40. Write an Update SQL query which can Swap the values of A & B for all records. (Do not use a sub-query)
What is a primary key? Explain
What is %rowtype in pl sql?
How do you delete data from a table?
How do sql databases work?
What are conditional predicates?
How to create a table using constraints... IF i change the PARENT KEY value ,then CHILD KEY table will also to change in the another table... plz reply ur answers @ Arunkumar