What is the use of function in sql?
Does asenumerable execute the query?
What is on delete set null?
In a table only one column how to update rows
What is restrict in sql?
What schema means?
mail-id table contains two columns(email_id,userid) it contains different types of mail-ids,and no of users. here username length is differ na,(ex- tamil@yahoo.com,joshua@hotmail.com like) now i want to fetch the email-ids only starting from '@' (ex-@gmail.com,@yahoo.com,@hotmail.com
Why truncate is used in sql?
Is it important to partition hard disk?
how many values can the set function of mysql take? : Sql dba
Why use stored procedures?
What is an invalid partition table?
is it possible to pass an object or table to a procedure as an argument?