Can cursors be part of a trigger body?
Difference between views and materialized views?
I i have 2 tables A & B ,A contains 10 records B contains 20 records ,what w'll be the o/p if we perform equijoin,outer join,right outer join,left outer join,full outer join,cross join seperately Can anyone help on this?
Explain the types of joins in sql?
Explain normalization and what are the advantages of it?
What is a sql driver?
What is the command used to fetch first 5 characters of the string?
table - new_no old_no 2345 1234 3456 2345 5678 4567 output sud be -new_no 1234 2345 3456 4567 5678
I have a table with 1 million records out of which 10,000 records are of unique records, then if I will implement index, then which type of index shall I use and why shall I use?
Which one is better subquery or joins?
What is composite primary key in sql?
What is difference between inner join and cross join?
Difference between a query and strored procedure?