Can I join the same table twice?
What is sql catalog?
what is sql in mysql? : Sql dba
What is count * in sql?
Can a view be mutating? If yes, then how?
what is the difference between varray and table data type..please expalain with some examples... under what situation you will go for varray..instead of index by table...
How many database objects (trigger, packages, sequence etc) uses a particular field in a given table. For ex: I want to know how many database object uses the ATTRIBUTE1 in the PO_VENDORS table. What query will give me the result showing the database object name(package, trigger etc), field_name used (in this case ATTRIBUTE1) and table_name (in this case PO_VENDORS).
What is normalisation in sql?
How subquery works in sql?
What is embedded sql with example?
How do you handle exceptions. Give the syntax for it?
in a package one procedure is wrong package shows valid or not
How to get unique records from a table?