How do I run a sql query in pgadmin 4?
what are the disadvantages of mysql? : Sql dba
What are the advantages and disadvantages, compared to the standard SQL and SQL*plus ?
Can you inner join the same table?
Why is nosql good?
what is difference b/w pravite procedures and public procedures?
3 Answers Steria, Wipro, Zensar,
What is normalization in sql?
how do you restrict number of rows for a particular value in a column.For example:there is a table called fruits,having apples,bananas ,papayas.I dont want to have more than 100 apples in that table ,so how can u restrict number of rows for apple to hundred?
What is application trigger?
What is the difference between the Primary and Foreign key?
What are sql injection vulnerabilities?
Which one is better sql or oracle?
How many functions are there in sql?