What is procedure in pl sql?
Which command is used to delete a trigger?
i have a customer table. trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 01-JAN-13 1099 cr 001 12-JAN-13 500 db 002 24-FEB-13 400 db 002 23-MAR-13 345 cr 001 18-APR-13 800 cr 002 15-MAR-13 600 db 001 12-FEB-13 200 cr i want like this output. trans_id trans_amt debit_credit_indicator i want get highest credit amount and lowest credit amount and highest debit amount and lowest debit amount for each trans_id.
What are the two parts of design view?
Which software is used for pl sql programming?
Why we use triggers in mysql?
Mention what are the benefits of pl/sql packages?
how to get the third quarter of employee details from emp?
Is crud a cuss word?
Explain cursor types?
A table was given with 3 columns like Manager id,Manager Name and Employee name. Question was to create hierarchy.
does sql support programming? : Sql dba
What is sorting in sql?