Which normal form is best?
What is difference between cursor and trigger?
what is user defined functions? : Sql dba
what does the t-sql command ident_current does? : Transact sql
How to load data with sql*loader?
How is a process of pl/sql compiled?
What are the types of triggers ?
26 Answers Aspire, BirlaSoft, TCS,
What is a Procedure ?
What is the basic structure of an sql?
How many unique keys can a table have?
type type_name is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer for the above type you have to create a identifier... like identifier_name type_name; for the above type you can use the below methods..like first , last , prior, next , delege..etc...like this.. if you create a cursor...like cursor cursor_name is select * from scott.emp; is there any methods like above to use prior, fist , last , next , trim ,etc...
Does sql require a server?
What language is oracle sql developer?