Does sql require a server?
how to check the 3rd max salary from an employee table? One of the queries used is as follows: select sal from emp a where 3=(select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal<=b.sal). Here in the sub query "select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal<=b.sal" or "select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal=b.sal" should reveal the same number of rows is in't it? Can any one here please explain me how is this query working perfectly. However, there is another query to get the 3rd highest of salaries of employees that logic I can understand. Pls find the query below. "select min(salary) from emp where salary in(select distinct top 3 salary from emp order by salary desc)" Please explain me how "select sal from emp a where 3=(select count(distinct(sal)) from emp b where a.sal<=b.sal)" works source: Thanks in advance Regards, Karthik.
What normalization means?
What does 0 mean in sql?
Is it possible to remove child records without removing master table records...the two having pk,fk relationship?
What is materialized view in sql?
what is cross join? : Sql dba
What is trigger and types?
Which is faster subquery or join?
How to return an array from java to pl/sql?
What are the limitations of sql express?
i have a table like this. i want to output like this c1 c2 c1 c2 1 10 1 10 2 20 2 30 3 30 3 60 4 40 4 100 5 5 5 105 c1 and c2 are columns in a table .i want output like this c2 values are 10,10+20,10+20+30,10+20+30+40.10+20+30+40+5. write a sql query.pls help this i want urgent.
2 Answers IBM, Loginworks, OFSS,
What is pl sql record in oracle?