What language is oracle sql developer?
What is a unique constraint?
what are the properties and different types of sub-queries? : Sql dba
How can we link a sql database to an existing android app?
What is the best free sql database?
If i can use sys.check_constraints to display my constraints from my database using sql server 2005, how can i display then if i am using sql server 2000????
What is a behavioral trigger?
What are dml commands?
How we can create a table in pl/sql block. Insert records into it? Is it possible by some procedure or function? Please give example?
If I have a table T with 4 rows & 2 columns A & B. A has values 1,2,3,4. and B has 10,20,30,40. Write an Update SQL query which can Swap the values of A & B for all records. (Do not use a sub-query)
What does count (*) do in sql?
what is the difference between rownum pseudo column and row_number() function? : Sql dba
How many clustered indexes can you have?