How is a process of pl/sql compiled?
Explain commit, rollback and savepoint.
What is sql architecture?
What is normalization? dec 2009
What is sql keyword?
Is it possible to remove child records without removing master table records...the two having pk,fk relationship?
How to improve the performance of a pl/sq stored procedures or functions or triggers and packages ?
12 Answers IBM, TCS, UHD,
Give an example of Full Outer Join?
How to count the no of records of a table without using COUNT function?
What are Lexical Parameters.How They are used in Reports 6i
Interchange the value of a column Gender in a table where values are Male and Female. So, where the value is Male, it should changed to Female and Female to Male.
what are the tunnig tables you used for tuning a query and tell me some of coloumns in that tuning tables?
What are the PL/SQL Statements used in cursor processing ?