What are records give examples?
What are variables in pl sql?
what is 'force view'?
1. what is the exact use of hint in sql. 2. How we can avoid index scan in sql even though index is there in the table.
What is crud sql?
GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE over Views in advantages insolving mutating error?
If you have to declare procedure1,procedure2 in package specification and if you have to declare procedure1,procedure2 and procedure3 in package body? is it compilation or not and execute or not? what type of error is given please
How can we store rows in PL/SQL using array?
Explain the steps needed to create the scheduled job?
I have a Employee table with columns ename,eid,salary,deptno. How to retrieve sum of salary for each deptno?
What are hotfixes and patches?
Can pl sql procedure have a return statement?
what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constraints ?