What are variables in pl sql?
Is join an inner join?
what are integrity rules?
What is spool?
What is the usage of nvl function?
Do we need to rebuild index after truncate?
When sql appeared?
What is nvarchar max in sql?
What is date functions?
what are wild cards used in database for pattern matching ? : Sql dba
Which one of the following pairs of aggregate functions do you use with character fields? 1. COUNT(field) and MAX(field) 2. AVG(field) and COUNT(field) 3. MIN(field) and SUM(field) 4. AVG(field) and MAX(field) 5. COUNT(field) and SUM(field)
If you have to declare procedure1,procedure2 in package specification and if you have to declare procedure1,procedure2 and procedure3 in package body? is it compilation or not and execute or not? what type of error is given please
What is normalization in sql?