what command is used to create a table by copying the
structure of another table including constraints ?

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what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constra..

Answer / a.jyothsna

I know copying the structure of one table but not the
constraints also:
create table newtablename as
select * from oldtablename;

with the above query total data will also be copied.
But to copy only the structure.

create table newtablename as
select * from oldtablename
where 1=2;

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what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constra..

Answer / saurabh agrawal

We can only copy the structure of the table and not the
Syntax is as below:
Create table newtablename as select * from oldtablename;

In this way only NOT NULL constraint specified on any
column of the OLDTABLE will automatically get copied into
the NEWTABLE but other constraint will have to be created

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what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constra..

Answer / ben

crete view (view_name) as
select * from (table);

In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.

A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database.

i think this is the right answer


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what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constra..

Answer / anksuh

SELECT TOP 0 * INTO employee2 FROM dbo.employeedtls
using this command we can copying the structure of one table

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what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constra..

Answer / selvaraj v , anna univ coe

To Use same database :


CREATE Emp_tbl2 AS SELECT * FROM Employee_Tbl1 WHERE 1=2;

Table creation From One USER To Another USER :

COPY FROM coeot1a2/coeot1a2@coeau TO scott/tiger@server1

coeot1a2 ----> USER NAME
coeot1a2 ----> PASSWORD
coeau -------> SERVER NAME
scott -------> Another USER NAME
tiger -------> Another User PASSWORD
server1 -----> Another SERVER NAME

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what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constra..

Answer / thirumal

select * into <new table name> from < old tablename> where
<any false condition>
ex: new table name "emp"
Old table name "dept"
select * into emp from dept where 2=5
then it will display only the structure of the old
table,not the data

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