How do I know if I have sql express or standard?
Can I learn sql in a week?
What is the difference between count 1 and count (*) in a sql query?
What will you get by the cursor attribute sql%notfound?
what's the difference between a primary key and a unique key? : Sql dba
Given two tables Student(SID, Name, Course) and Level(SID, level) write the SQL statement to get the name and SID of the student who are taking course = 3 and at freshman level.
what is Difference between Having and Where clause?
How is use pl and sql?
what are the different types of joins?
What is hibernate and its relation to sql?
write a procedure to print a statement or number not using "dbms_output.put_line" package.write a procedure instead of it using procdure name as "print" ex:- declare a number:=2; begin print(a); end; /* when U type above procedure 2 have to should be printed*/
how u can find the n row from a table?
how to delete duplicate rows from a specified table(only single table) how do you know which join is need to be used