How is use pl and sql?
How do you modify a column in sql?
Explain commit, rollback and savepoint.
Is there a pl/sql pragma similar to deterministic, but for the scope of one single sql select?
How to call shell script from pl sql procedure?
what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_object? : Sql dba
Why we use joins in sql?
wtite down triggr not any entry on Sunday
What is differance unique key and primary key.
define data blocks ? : Sql dba
Can we join tables without foreign key?
Hi how to import oracle sequence in Informatica? Please write stored procedure code that will import oracle sequence in Informatica SP transformation as per below scenario Oracle table product list Pro_id, pro_name 101, LED Lights. 102, 20watt CFL Lights. 103, 30 watt CFL lights Now a new flat file with new product list needs to be added to oracle table product list with oracle sequence. flat file product Prono,pro_name, 1, 20 watt tube light 2, 30 watt tube light & target should be like 101, LED Lights. 102, 20watt CFL Lights. 103, 30 watt CFL lights. 104, 20 watt tube light 105, 30 watt tube light thks reg suvarna joshi
Is it possible to include an insert statement on the same table to which the trigger is assigned?