What will you get by the cursor attribute sql%notfound?
What is numeric function sql?
How delete all data from all tables in sql?
What is a temporal table?
How do you define a foreign key?
Hello All, Could any well write a query for the following scenario. Account(table name) No Name Amount 1 ABCD 2000.00 2 DEFG -2000.00 3 GHIJ 3000.50 4 JKLM 4000.00 5 MNOP 6000.00 O/p Should be in this format No Name Credit Debit 1 ABCD 2000.00 0 2 DEFG 0 -2000.00 3 GHIJ 3000.50 4 JKLM 0 -4000.00 5 MNOP 6000.00 o could any one give appropriate query for this Thnks in Advance
what are the advantages of package?
How do u count no of rows in a table?
What is the difference between an inner and outer join?
What is a temp table?
How many types of triggers exist in pl/sql?
write a query filter the null value data following source? name age john 30 smith null null 24 sharp 35 i want output name age john 30 sharp 35
Is sql procedural language?