Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?

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Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / neha

QTP is used for automating an application. It is a easy to
learn tool.It uses VB scripting in expert view and in
keyword view simply documents the action performed on AUT.

Is This Answer Correct ?    53 Yes 5 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / vignesh iyer

QTP is Functional and Regression Testing Tool.
It is Used to Check the Functionality of the Software
Application, Based on Test Cases.It is Used when the Test
Case to be Reused in Next Iteration. Performing Manually
again and again the Same Test case execution leads to
Exhaustion. Hence it is Functional Testing tool.

It is used in Regression coz, If the Build is to be checked
after some Additional Changes has been done to Software
Product and to measure the Difference between the Previous
and the Latest Build and to measure the impact of the

Hope this Explanation is Very Simple and Basic.
Plz Post opinion on this Explanation.
Because i am a student and may be wrong.

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 2 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / ramarao

QTP is a autmation tool,that will be used for functional
purpose,regersion purpose test taht applicatin different
time with different data,and reducing the time and provide
tahe good qulity to customer.and in qtp script willl be
prepare by using vb,java.

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 13 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / sesha reddy

Why we are selecting QTP for testing means
1.compare to remaining all tool this is compatable to lot
of environmental appications.
2.this is the latest .
3.most impotatent thing in this is key word driven frame
work.this is most powerful compare to all.
4.and all other automation uses are there

Sesha Reddy M.Sc(IT)

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 5 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / can't say

Because we do not want to use more powerfull languages like
C#, VB.NET, IronPython.

Because we think Visual Studio IDE is better that QTP IDE,
but why make our life more simpler.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 7 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / surendra

Hi Friends,
can we use QTP, C#,VB.net and .net applications.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 7 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / brindha

QTP is graphical interface record palyback automation tool
which uses a scripting language built on top of VBScript to
specify the test procedure and manipulate the objects and
controls of the application under test.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / venkat reddy

Why we have to select QTP for testing means,
QTP is a HP (Hawlett Packerd) tool for perticurly for
it is a very good toll to perform functional testing,
regression and database testing..
it will (QTP9.2)work in all environments like
ASP,SAP,Oracle, etc
the main defference is keyword driven framework
the language which we use defaultly is VB (Visual Basic)
VB is not a case sensitive
it is a object based language
it is a easist language
anybody can understand the script
when the aplication in development stage, we can write the
descriptive programming with the help of objects...

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / sandeep kumar

mainly qtp is a automation testing it is mainly help for
test the java application

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 5 No

Why we are selecting QTP for testing ?..

Answer / ano-miss

Probably because the Mercury Mafia has convinced some
beancounters it's the best way to go, rather than consult
test automation engineers who actually know something.

VB is junk. It is NOT an object oriented language. People
who actually like VB tend not to hail from engineering
backgrounds. Thus, QTP "programmers" tend to get paid
relatively poorly.

"Best Tool out there"? Yeah, the Mercury Mafia used to say
that about WinRunner too. Now companies are paying big
money to port WinRunner scripts to QuackTestPro. That's

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 4 No

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