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Navis Interview Questions
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1. Which function is used to check whether the specified object property achieves the specified value within the specified timeout below anyone is correct 1. Check Property 2. getToproperty 3. output Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

1 4832

If a object property is changed in the application. where it should be updated in QTP... Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

4 5988

How to check the value for variables during run time. Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

4 10962

How to set the function parameters as optional. Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

2 5519

Function to convert lowercase to uppercase in QTP Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

2 14511

How to pass parameters to Actions Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

2 4598

What is the syntax to use out of two characters. Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

1 3618

Which function is used to accesses the Properties from Repository Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

2 4601

What is keyword driven Testing Framework. Anybody can explain it in details... Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

1 4143

What is Data driven Testing Frame work.Anybody can expain it in Detail.. Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

1 5336

What is the Obect Repository type, we use in Automated Real time.. Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...

5 6770

How to differentiate the webedit field like user name and password? Please tell any other best answer is ther

3 5021

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Navis Interview Questions

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Can we call reports and transactions from interactive reporting lists?


You are a project manager for an international marketing firm. You are ready to assign resources to your new project using a work authorization system. All of the following are true except: A. Work authorization systems clarify and initiate the work for each work package. B. Work authorization systems are written procedures defined by the organization. C. Work authorization systems are tools and techniques of the Project Plan Execution process. D. Work authorization systems are an output of the Project Plan Execution process.


What is the difference between jpql and hql?


How do I enable iis logs?


How do I get rid of divider lines in word?


What’s the difference between not-running, inactive, active, background and suspended execution states?


What is the command to insert text into the HTML text box using Selenium?


How to transfer the objects? Have you transferred any objects ?


design and implement a data structure and performs the following operation with the help of file (included 1000 student marks in 5 sub. and %also) many students are fail in all 5 subjects (if >35) 2. delete all student data those are fail in all 5 subjects. 3. update the grace marks (5 no. if exam paper is 100 marks) 4. arrange the student data in ascending order basis of marks. 5.insert double of deleted students with marks in the list.


how to print a number in character(ex. 123= one twenty three)?


will the values that get entered by the user in dff fields be updated to database?


Can a struct inherit from another struct or class in c#?


for example we are login into the irctc server from there it will go to the selected bank and deduct amount and come back to the irctc. so if we are developing this in java means will it be run on the same session. but as per my knowledge bank is separate and irctc is separate URL's so it will use two different sessions then how it is maintaining same session through out application and even it uses the payment gateway? how it is working can any one help me on that??


What types of CMOS memories have you designed? What were their size? Speed?


what is error ora-03113: end-of-file on communication channel?