What is the limitation to XML Checkpoints?
Answer / sreeprasad
XML check point max limitation is 1.4MB, that QTP 6.5 can
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Hi Friends, How to trap an error message on Web page through QTP. Example:- When I put wrong user id or Password on a web page, I get the error message. So when I add the error object in Reposatory, every time it shows as Login Failed Object exist, eventhough using corret login details. And if I do the same without adding the object it shows as object not found. This might be because while recording QTP takes every new page as _1 _2 _3 and so on. as below. Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_1"). >>login Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_2"). >>Inbox Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_3"). >>Sent Items I used below code. Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("firstname").Set strFN Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("lastname").Set strLN Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("userid").Set strUserID Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("password").Set strPass Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebButton("Login >").Click If Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_2").Image ("msg_icon_error").Exist 5 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "XXXXX", "Login Failed!" ExitRun (It shows login failed ever after login is passed. Else Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "XXXXX", "Login Successful!" End If Please find out a way for me here, and provide me with the correct code. Thanks in Advance.
Which environments are supported by hp qtp?
How to add check point?
what is descriptive.create()in qtp?
write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object..
I am in .Net development for past 3.5 years and want to enter in to automated testing and learn QTP. For this I need some good tutorial for beginners. I will be really greatful if any one has and they can send it to me on this address- ruchidureja@gmail.com
What issues come up in test automation, and how do you manage them?
Suppose one object is changed in a project after delivering the project.Where we will update that object? it can be present in many scripts so can we update all the scripts?
I am a newbie to QTP / Automation testing. I want to develop a script that creates a data file automatically with proper headings using VBScript in QTP.
In this bellow script QTP is not able to getting no. of Links from my Browser. Set desc=description.create desc("micclass").value="Link" Set obj=Browser("creationtime:=0").page("title:=.*").childobjects(desc) msgbox obj.count I am getting "General Run Error".Why QTP is not supporting my Browser,but its running fine in other system.Please help me to overcome this problem.
How can we encrypt the username using recording mode in login window? There is 2 encrypted types what are it
QTP9.1 does not support to text checkpoint in Windows application? Is this correct? If this is correct, what is alternative for Text checkpoint?