A shiny brown colored element ‘x’ on heating in air becomes black in cooler name the element ‘x’and black colored compound formed?
Question 64 – According to a heuristic of chemical engineering plant design, assume a pressure difference dP = 4 psi for each 10-ft rise in elevation. A pump is needed to pump liquid from a storage tank at a lower elevation to a heating tank at a higher elevation with the elevation difference of 60 ft. (a) Find the pressure loss due to such elevation. (b) If the required minimum inlet pressure to the heating tank is 9 psi, with 1 control valve is installed between pump and heating tank, what is the dP minimum required for the control valve and the entrance to the heating tank when the heuristic mentions that at least 10 psi is required for the control valve? (c) The pressure at the inlet of the pump is 8 psi and the flowrate of the liquid produces pressure head of 50 psi. What is the total pressure produced by the pump? (d) Assume a pipeline dP of 2 psi / 100 ft for liquid flow in a pipe according to heuristic, what is the approximate maximum length of the pipe in ft that can be installed between the pump and the heating tank?
How to TDS removed found in lab apparatus.
Why is a vacuum breaker used on shell and tube heat exchangers that are utilizing steam as the heating utility?
In a Laplace Transform Table, the Laplace transfer function of f(t) is F(s). When d(t) = f(t) then 1 = F(s). When x(t) = f(t) then X(s) = F(s). If d(t) is the impulse of a spring when d(t) = kx(t), then derive the equation for the impulse of a spring as X(s) in term of k. Next question : A controller has a transfer function a and the other controller has a transfer function b. The overall transfer function of both controllers is ab. What is the transfer function overall when both controllers have similar transfer function 1 / (Cs k)?
what is difference between B.Tech. and B.E. in chemical engineering
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.33 : An engineering corporation that produces a type of healthy food has A number of shares of $B preferred stock and C number of shares of $H common stock outstanding. In a typical financial year, let the net income obtained = D. The amount retained by the corporation = E. (a) Calculate the amount of money distributed to the shareholders if : (i) D > E; (ii) D = E; (iii) D < E. (b) Let preferred dividend = F, common dividend = G, CH > G. Find the values of F and G, in term of A, B, D and / or E when : (i) (D - E) > AB; (ii) (D - E) < AB; (iii) (D - E) = AB.
why do tangential entry require for a cyclone separator?
If the refrigerator is left open in closed room, What will be the effect on room temp.?
What does the catalystic converter on an automobile do?
why we messure differential pressure in pascle,mmhg,mmwc like different units in different companys?
which book is better for written test of a refinery or a chemical industry-o.p gupta or DR.RAM PRASAD?
Question 92 - (a) In order to determine the slurry volume (L) in chromatography, arrange the formula using the following parameters : slurry concentration (%), slurry volume (L), settled chromatography medium volume (L), 100. (b) In order to determine the chromatography medium volume (L) in gel filtration chromatography, arrange the formula using the following parameters : sample volume to be processed (L), chromatography medium volume (L), sample volume in percent of total column volume (%), 100.