What does the catalystic converter on an automobile do?
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In automobile catalytic converter is used to reduce the
exhaust gases toxic. CO, HC, N are the major pollutant of
exhaust gases.
In petrol engine, it is used to reduce the pollutant like
CO, HC, N convert into CO2, H20, N2 by using catalyst like
platinum, metal rhodium.
In diesel it is used to reduce only CO, HC into CO2 and H2O.
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Answer / tarun kumar
In case of gasoline engine catalystic convertor oxidises NO
present in the exhaust gases to NO2.
In case of diesel engine it removes the solid particulates
present in the exhaust gas.
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Answer / anwar ashwak hussain
as the fuel having harmful
S,N2 etc.. upon combustion of
this fuel leads to produce
SO2, NO,CO n other
dangerous gases to reduce
their effect we have to
change these gases to SO3,
NO2, CO2,water vapor etc. by
using platinaum, rhodium like
catalyst to safe guard the
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