Tell me why gold is added to the p-n junction?
Where pll is widely used?
Why is collector region is greater than emitter region?
Define modulation.
Pl. Brief about DNC.
What is the need of Super heterodyne tuning in AM receivers?? Q - factor problem also arise at RF amplifier tuner also???
What is single input output interface? How it is different from single ended interface?
Define why series inductor and l-section filters cannot be used with half-wave rectifiers?
what are the plc application in engineering.??
Where lcr meter is used?
What is static resistance of a diode?
The whole thing moves/ (B) around the concept of building a small dynamic/(C) organisation into a larger one./(D) No error.
3 Answers Accenture, AMCAT, Aspiring Minds, CTS, HCL, Wipro,
What is true for frame relay?