Define modulation.
areas for improvement
what is the properties of good transformer oil
compare genear & silicon diodes , which is more advantage and why?
1.Explain about RELAY. 2 . Explain about EARTH working ((how earth connection working ))
3 Answers Siemens, Sun Pharma,
what frequncy range useing in cell communication
equation for pid controller?
what is call flow!
Pl. Brief about DNC.
what is the difference between the voltage of 5 volts capacitor and and 5 volts battery?
13 Answers Prithvi, SRM, TCS,
Sir, I wish to appear for the written test in the year 2009. But i have no syllabus on the basis of that the exam was held. So if you kindly give me the syllabus,it's easy for me to be prepared. I have already registered through online,and that no is 10857
write down a program to that reads the data from port 02H, count the number of 1's in the data and display the count on port 03H in 8085 microprocessor
Why iceo >> icbo?