Why is collector region is greater than emitter region?
. For the FIFA world cup, Paul the octopus has been predicting the winner of each match with amazing success. It is rumored that in a match between 2 teams A and B, Paul picks A with the same probability as A's chances of winning. Let's assume such rumors to be true and that in a match between Ghana and Bolivia, Ghana the stronger team has a probability of 9/10 of winning the game. What is the probability that Paul will correctly pick the winner of the Ghana-Bolivia game?
did signal to noise ratio have block diagram
A thread has to access the address space of all other threads in the same process and can therefore mess up the stacks of other threads. Why is this not a protection problem? Could the same be allowed to occur for processes, e.g. one process writing data into the stack of other.
what is the importance of signals and systems ?
I m a computer science engg. passout and want to prepare for PSUs but I dont have the idea of the study material which I should study from and the previous Question papers of PSUs,plz help me....
In explain what way is the voltage follower a special case of the non-inverting amplifier?
Give details on how you intend to handle a challenging position you are posted to manage unexpectedly as a company staff?
Define what is meant by fermi level in semiconductor? Where does the fermi level lie in an intrinsic semiconductor?
Why is base made thin and lightly doped?
what is the difference between analog and digital communications? which is the efficient communication??
why telecom tower having two color( Red and White)in all of the world, any solid reason
What are the disadvantages of bjt?