what are the plc application in engineering.??
What is coaxial cable?
the pic micro controller have internal oscillator but why we use external oscillator
If we have 450 mm height boiler drum level, so what is span & zero value for a dpt transmitter?
what is a E1?
What are the 3 types of transmission line energy losses?
what is fixed bias with and without decoupling capacitor?
Define input offset current.
how to know what resistance is required to stabilse the ckt performance
In a 2 stage RC coupled amplifier, the emitter resistance of 1st stage consists of 2 resistances (Re and Re')in series and the bypass capacitor is connected across only one of them(bigger resistance). Why?
Define what is meant by small signal amplifier?
what is practical application of clipper circuit?
WAP to print a given number [0-1000] in words. For example, 123 as One Hundred and Twenty Three