What are the differences between oltp and olap?
What is IQD file?
What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation
16 Answers CTS, Satyam, TCS, UHG,
how many session run unix environment what command using ?
Give one example for each of conditional aggregation, non-aggregate expression, and nested aggregation?
,if we have single SQ in flow and we have router in which it has two group and we want to join these two groups with joiner ?is it possible?
The Source coloumns are A,B,C with data row1- 10,20,30 row2- 40,50,60 row3-70,80,90 and so on. In the target I want one coloumn with the following data, Coloumn-X, row1-10,row2- 20,row3-30,row4-40,row5-50 and so on. How to achieve this?
What are data-driven sessions?
how the server recognises , if the session fails after loading the 100 records in to the target
what happens if you try to create a shortcut to a non- shared folder?
How can i catch the Duplicate Rows From SorterTrans in a Seperate Target Table ?
Hi, source data is col1 values are 5,6,7 col2 are 3,2,1 col3 are 8,9,10 and i want to get target as col1 5,6,7 col2 1,2,3 col3 8,9,10 how to do this one?
if i have a file having record sal=10000,and when use router with two groups having condition sal>5000 in one group,sal>7000 in other group.and if two groups connected to two targets.in which target sal=10000 will go?
9 Answers BirlaSoft, Genpact, L&T, Syntel,