what is the difference between nested subquery and correlated subquery?
Is the primary key an index?
How many joins can you have in sql?
what is bcp? When does it used? : Sql dba
Is a secondary key the same as a foreign key?
Differences between UNIQUE and DISTINCT in select statements
26 Answers ABS, DELL, Deloitte, Hewitt, Oracle, Verinon Technology Solutions, Wipro,
What is window clause?
how to convert dates to character strings? : Sql dba
what are %TYPE and %ROWTYPE? what is the difference?
7 Answers ICICI, Saama Tech, Sail,
Can we use ddl statements in stored procedure sql server?
What is the requirement of self-join?
Why is %isopen always false for an implicit cursor?
How do I run a sql query in pgadmin 4?