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Wipro Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 512004

why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?

12 31793

What is Win32?

14 37002

Say about your strengths and weaknesses ?

59 267282

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 119680

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 99868

Marx was belongs to which country

19 22730

What is the difference between SQL, DDL, and DML?

7 71891

what is a template?

2 8252

what is an algorithm in terms of STL?

1 8001

What is the difference between public, private, protected inheritance?

12 59878

What is Virtual Inheritance?

7 15804

What is the difference between operator new and the new operator?

3 12119

What happens if an exception is throws from an, object's constructor and object's destructor?

4 16364

What is the difference between Pointer and a Reference? When you would use them?

4 12734

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Wipro Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

In a concrete grade C35A, C & A stands for what and equalent cube strength?


Write down the steps for the creation of stateless ejb.


Explain what is s3?


State some of the advantages of object oriented programming?


What is role of toolbar in ms word?


What is the address formats of the wcf transport schemas?


What is the best scripting language for windows?


Explain the difference between authorization and authentication in web testing.


Hi 1) question can u explain me a suitation where in we can change from GL Account to Opwen Item Account. 2) What is ACH in SAP please explain in detail.


What is gae (google app engine)?


Give the IUPAC name for [Co(NH3)5SO4]Cl


How to record & run on japanese language application using english version of ibm?


How to reverse a string in python


Iwant the old question paper for J.E(Tele.Signal).


Define record group?