How many joins can you have in sql?
What is lexical units in pl sql?
what is the difference between a having clause and a where clause? : Sql dba
How do you define a foreign key?
how many sql dml commands are supported by 'mysql'? : Sql dba
Source is Sales Table: Sno Prod Sales Sales_Amount 1 A 10 2000 2 A 20 1000 3 C 10 3000 4 D 30 4000 5 A 20 1000 Target : Sales_Count T_Sales_Amt Sales_Count(A) T_Sales_Amt(A) 90 11000 50 4000 In single query, pls tell me.
What is a sql driver?
What is pl sql and why it is used for?
Explain aggregate functions are available there in sql?
Can you do multiple joins in sql?
define sql update statement ? : Sql dba
counting the no.of characters occurs in a string by using pl/sql function
what is the difference between sql and t-sql? : Transact sql