What is bdb (berkeleydb)?
What is a rank in sql?
What happens when we instantiate a .NET component ?
What are some examples of schemas?
Is r easier than python?
What is the difference between proxied and proxyless calls?
Which two cryptographic mechanisms provide confidentiality?
what are core flexfield?
Hi, I need the clarification in Tax Rate in Karnataka for Frozen foods like Paratha, Briyani, Pasta's Please share the information for me
How to identify that the given operation is transformation or action?
what does the opcode free do?
What are the types of the main implementing classes in the map interfaces? : java collections
A company canteen needs an automated system for its food and beverage management. The canteen receives food and beverage items from different distributors. All the non perishable items are stored in the store-room and the perishable items are put in the fridge. The manager should be able to add, delete or update food and beverage items onto the system and perishable and non perishable item details are to be stored separately. Both waiters and the cooks should be able to update the perishable items, but only the cooks should be allowed to update the non perishable items. Both cooks and waiters are not allowed to add or delete any items that are entered. identify the Schema, Table , Fields
How to select temperature of ODT in disintegration test
How to define a service as rest based service in wcf?