What happens when reserve bank of india reduces the bank rate by 1%?
what is financial management?
What is 'i-net'?
What do you mean by return on capital employed? What does it indicate?
How do you deal with different stakeholders?
How will you define growth and development?
What Is Beta Of An Asset?
What are the problems in CIBIL updation? How will you convince your angry customer whose name is default list even after repayment of complete loan?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
What are the most essential qualities of a Banker?
Types of Lease?
17 Answers HDFC, Mani Associates,
hi.i have a GD in vijaya bank. can anyone tell me wat kind of topics will be given to discuss. my specialization is dual(marketing & finance). help me out..
Tell something about open market operations?
0 Answers IBPS, State Bank Of India SBI,
what is G.D.P