sir i am selected in Bank Of india Computer Officers Scale -1 for inter view , and my inter view held on 17/11/2008. please help assists me give me inter view question for better luck. which type of question can be asked? please help me.
1 7738How can get electrical "c" licence.I am complited in Deee.Passing year of 1993.Working in pvt cocern lt Line.Please advise me .Cell no 9994786021
59 218868Post New Mani Associates Interview Questions
How to add/remove properties to object dynamically in javascript?
1. How would you Test & then automate an antivirus application? 2. How would u test & automate windows screen saver? (expected: "test scenarios" & "test approch": points)
What is function c#?
What is a pattern what is an anti pattern?
How do we create command aliases in a shell?
what are the Current MSACCESS driver limitations ?
What does the head tag mean?
Can a variable be local and static at the same time?
can any one send me all the interview questions and test questions on strength of materials . to
When QTP object wait time is 10 seconds, and in test script wait time is 5 seconds and in function library wait time is 2 seconds how much time does the wait occur? or which is given priority.
How can I increase storage on my laptop?
in my project..TEST is db2 8.1 version In PROD it is 7.1 if i do REORG in TEST.. can I use the same REORG jcl with out modification in PROD region (this is DB2 8.1 )? if not, what modification i need to do in my REORG control card?
What is a stored procedure transformation?
What is an example of a parasite relationship?
What is Full Text Search in SAP HANA?