Differentiate between low pass, high pass and band pass filter?
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How to calculate the volumetric capacity of a oxygen & Nitrogen gas Cylinder if pressure is 145 kg/cm2 & water capacity of cylinder is 67 liters.
how much watts the computer will takes
Can RCD's used to protect the VVVF drive if not why.
What will happen to transformer if we gave 5HZ input instead of 50/60Hz??? explain with reason
What are the differences between single phase and three phase?
how work the lighting arrestor?
explain the working principal of the circuit breaker?
what is the formula to calculate the fuel consumption of a diesel generator at different diferent load.
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why gravels is used in transformer yard?
why the vector group of excitation transformer is YD5(150 deg)how is this factor decided.
what is mean by xlpe cables?