What is the main drawback of a dual slope adc?
difference b/w electronics and electrica ?
tel me abt ur self
What is an asic?
what is the difference between drift current and diffusion current.
26 Answers Ghana Telecom University, TCS,
What is the condition to be satisfied in the selection of l and c in a series inverter?
what is meant by a register and what function it is doing?
What is the current flowing through BTS?
Hi.. Me going to tke test for management trainee(technical) Post I am an E&C student . Can u guide how to prepare for this test.Can u send me test paper pattern..?
Which filter has the highest q factor?
whcih antenna is better ommi directional or directional and why?
why length of antenna is taken as one half of wavelength or one fourth of wavelength? Why not one eighth or one sixteenth?
State the de morgan's theorem?