whcih antenna is better ommi directional or directional and
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Answer / maitraiyee sarangi
Directional antena is better .Because here the directivity
is more.That means maximum power is available in a
particular direction.
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Answer / a.sasidhar
its better to use directional antenna in coastal areas
because of low loss in sea direction&we use omnidirectional
antenna(180deg) in only land areas
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Answer / lodhi
omnidirectional antenna is used for broadcasting purpose
because its radition pattern is like a circle ,centre as a
antenna but directional antenna is used for partcular
direction and its radiation pattern is in a particular
direction but in case of directional antenna directivity
is better........
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Answer / vinit92
omnidirectional antenna radiate same or equal power in all the direction but practically it is not possible ..
where directional antenna radiate all power in particular direction so directional antenna is better as per my knowledge ....................
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