What is absolute pressure? How absolute pressure is calculated?
what is difference between long column and short column?
16 Answers L&T, Tomi Polytechnic,
how to calcualate the amount of stone,cement,sand required for 1cum of 450mm thick ruble stond masonary with ratio1:5, please me an answer with dtailed step
calculate if the size of the beam is 300*500 then L for the top & bottom bar
what is conrete grade ,how are depent on concrete grad and size of concrete?
what is the formula to find the diagonal shape stirrups?
what"s the merits and demerits of hollow blocks comapre than to bricks?
what is velocity of approach?
what happening if we casting HV shunt reactor foundation pad at 50cm height different time (One day difference)
How can we cross check the excavation and backfilling quantities.
What is Flat/Canceled beam, What is difference between them? can bear same load? kindly suggest me
What is the meaning of "TOR" ??
Difference between tension and compression zone