What is voltage commutation?
what are advantages of ac supply over dc supply?
We take the area of collector wide comparison to base and emitter. Why?
What are minterm and maxterm?
What is a trducer and trponder?
What are different categories of antenna?
What is interfacing?
In wave guides tem wave propagation is not exit, give the physical interpretation?
http and https,difference?????
will anyone pls tell me which is the best institue for oracle certification and approx fee for that in banglore....
areas for improvement
Telecom BSS related ques: For cascaded 1800 BTS with master 900 BTS,if 900 master BTS is down for its own equipment fault,cascaded slave 1800 BTS gets down/stop carrying traffic without any fault as BCCH and other controllong channels are in master 900 BTS.Is there any technology/system to turn the slave 1800 BTS to a single 1800 BTS autometcally when 900 master BTS is down for its own equipment fault???It is possible to make the slave 1800 BTS single live BTS manually.But I want to know the autometic system/process.if there is any....if not available, how can we generate the system??
3 Answers Ericsson, Grameen Phone, Nokia, TATA, Telecom,
why diode is called diode?
5 Answers Bhel, Iqra University,