We take the area of collector wide comparison to base and emitter. Why?
Syllabus for BHEL ET recuitment 2009 for electronics stream.
What are the applications of demultiplexer?
Explain full duplex and half duplex.
Hi, Can any1 pl send me the question pattern of HPCL exam for the ELECTRONICS stream.pl send it to meerasowmi@gmail.com.hope to hear frm u very soon....
what is the limitations of hotel management project in .net?
What is the differance between synchronous&asynchronous?
2 Answers Infosys, Reliance Communications,
It is said that buffer is used when any circuit has to drive large outputs. why is buffer used?
Hi, I am called for interview for UIIC's Administrative officer(IT, Hardware, Networking), What are the questions generally asked in IT administrative officer job interviews. Please help me ASAP, my interview is on 24th july 09.
Why the aspect ratio of tv video display is 4:3 or 16:9? Why not it is any other?
what is hetrodyning?
what will be the effect on device when volotage is below than tht required nd why?
What does ce mean. You will see it on almost every chip(ic)?