Why use the vcb at high transmission system ? Why can’t use acb?
Purpose of lighting transformer.
i need to now what will be the cable size to the following load, transformer to distribution panel distance 110m, load 1000kw, voltage 400v, pf 0.85, permissible voltage drop 2.0%, overhead line, atmospheric temperature 35 degree c.
0 Answers Bay Fishing Corporation,
what is the meaning of 16/20 mva of transformer
What will happen if " not connecting the neutral point to ground of diesel generator output (380 V)", also if someone touched one phase without isolation from ground during the A/M condition what will happen to him?
What is basic impulse insulation level? And how it is calculated for sub- station?
what is the potential difference between line and earth?
How can you sized or estimate the ligthning arrester current rating?
how can we calculate ct ratings ?its any formula ?
how we can check that any motor is faulty may be single phase or three phase?
Why synchronous motor runs at a fixed speed? what is the name of that fixed speed?
What is the limitation of kirchoffs law?
What happen to generator if i have unbalanced load?
0 Answers Reliance Energy, Sail, TCS,