What does civil status mean?
Define What is a projection line?
Is 456 revised lastly in which year? & What are the revisions?
hello; sir. i would like to be an assistant executive engineer in irrigation department. is it really necessary to take coaching? or can i prepare myself by studying any study materials available in market? if so; what are the books i have to purchase. please reply soon.
What will be the exam pattern and syllabus for j.e post of haryana staff selection commision? Advt no. (02/2015) Some people says it would only be objective type question papers while others say it would be same as ssc (1 objective,1 conventional) ?? Please answer this question it is needfull to all.
what is main diffrence between vitrified and cremic tile????
2 Answers Colliers International,
In how many types u can do POP on ceiling and walls(on which material or by using which material)? b) what is the difference between dry , oil bound, enamel, acrlyic type of painting?
which concrete grade has highest strenth and what is its comosition?
how will calculate the lift load in high rise buildings
what is right & short method of measurement of slab&beam
What is the Specific gravity of cement?Water?
Where on net can i find IS Codes?
What is componsation
0 Answers Nagarjuna Construction,