What are the types of Invoices , what is prepayment & steps
to apply it to an Invoice ?
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Answer / neha
Invoices can be of many types viz.standard , debit memo
credit memo, prepayment , employess expense report, mixed
invoices and so on...
Prepayment is liek an advance payment to supplier...in
normal parlance prepayment means you have made payment for
somethin even though you havent enjoyed the benefit of the
Frst you have to create a prepaymnet invoce and then make
the payment for the saem.
when you ll create an invoice for the same supplier a pop
up will come which will provide you with the information
that one prepayment can be apllied to this invoice.
Go to "actions" then "Apply or unapply prepayment"
A form will open where in you will have to check the box in
the applied section.
You can apply the enitre amount in one invoice or multiple
invoice.The amounts can be changed as per your requirement.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 39 Yes | 1 No |
in payables 11 types of Invoices are there
that is
1. Standard Invoice
2. Debit memo
3. Credit memo
4. Expencess report
5. Mixed Invoice
6. Prepayment
7. PO defualt
8. With holding tax
9. Reccuring Invoice
10.Interest Invoice
11.Quick match
prepayment : advance payment you make to a suppliers or
employee. If you enter Temporary for the Prepayment type
field, then you can later apply prepayment to an invoice
two types of prepayments are there, namely, temporary and
permanent. In case of earlier one. it is treated as advance
to the supplier and will be adjusted againest any invoice
on or after the settlement date but in case of later one,
it is treated as deposit with the supplier.
i think this usefull
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Answer / raja
standard,credit,debit,mixed,dafault po,prepaymet,with
holding taxes,employe expenses
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
There are several predefined types of invoices available in
payables such as : Standard inv, CreditMemo/DebitMemo inv,
Expense Report, Po default, QuickMatch,Mixed inv,
Prepayment inv,Interest inv, Withholding tax inv.
Prepayment: As the name itself suggest these invoice
document are used for making advance payment made to the
suppliers. The advance payment can latter be used to set
off the liability accruing on several trade invoices
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