What do you understand by the term Public Debt?
What is Bill Discount?
What are the details required to be included in the advertisements?
how many types of organisations we can establish in india?
i am doing my mba and selected for clerk for sbi now tell me what should i do? can sbi give me leave for the exam if i selected.
what are your hobbies?
1 Answers 3i Infotech, Amdocs, Fidelity, Impetus, RBI, Syntel, Tavant Technologies,
What Are Hedge Funds?
Why should a business prepare fund flow statement?
Why do you want to do MBA? Why didn't you go for C.A.?
What is the educational qualification required for marketing officer and asst. Manager posts?
What do you know about NBFC and give one point of difference between Banks and NBFC?
i finished my B.sc garment production and chemical processing .now i am pursuing mba finance.suppose if interviewer asks me why did u study mba finance after ur B.Sc, what to answer.
Do you have interest in sports? If yes, which is your favorite sport?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,