I worked TCS (BA) third party for only 18 days. After that i didnt go to
office due to some problem. i send resign letter
through mail.Just i want to know whether its affect my career.? also my consultant is drop the mail TCS is ben for me so its true ...i need to pull back agin try. so its posssible Pls guide me
In SAP SD , HOw to remove the materail block ?
Write a C Program to create a structured data file named Student.dat to store the roll no, name and course. Provide following functions: 1. Accept the values from the user using structure variables. Store the contents in a file. 2. Display the file. 3. The user should be able to add new records to the existing file. And display the new file.
4 Answers ABC, Chowgule, CMS, CSC, IBM, Practical Viva Questions, Student, Symbiosis, University Exams,
sir iam going for an interview on feb 2nd week and i would like too ask questions that they will pose too me 1:i hav choosen conchordia wisconsin why these university what should b my answer 2:i had selected mis in mba from conchordioa university why these course if they question wat should b my answer 3:and last question is wat is guarantee u will come bck my dad works as a production manager in saudi arabia soo wat should b my anser too them because i am going for mba wat should b my answer for return gurantee pls reply too me it will b gr8 off u yours sicerly
How do you determine realistic schedules for the project?
what is the difference between oracle ERP products and SAP ERP products?
I have given ielts exam and i got 5.5 bands and i also got three I-20s from the US universities, so my ielts score will interrupt my visa or not? I want to confirm it.
how to face telephonic round interview as a candidate. Kindly give me the tips. I am going to facing the telephonic interview for the post of IT networking sales Executive I am currently working with the same company Distributor . This is my Ist Interview in my life. My English is not very good
2 Answers Amazon, Camex Infomatix, FSL, GE, HCL, MAQ Software, Ocwen, TCS, Tech Mahindra,
hi i am doing cause study about Enterprising young IT Entrepreneur who has recently started a small business running web hosting services for SME (Small to Medium Enterprise). You frequently need to meet (potential) clients to sell your services to them. You do so with presentations and demonstrations of your products. You will also want to install certain development software for your software development projects. So what software to use? need a server? what types of hosting should i use?
what is capital
What is security policy? To protect an organization’s information what security policy need to follow according to you.
what is variable?