how to find the voltage's of a transmission line plzz help with pictures i am not able to understand
why most of the induction motors are delta connected?
how many types control panel of a 132/33 kv substation
hi this is hema, r there any books in particular for the preparation of the APPSC-A.E.E(electrical), if so please mail me the names ... thank u .
What is the maximum allowed kwa through 2.5mm cable. Electric company installed 2 electric meter at my premises . Two jumper wires of 2.5 mm are used to connect . 2 single phase meters with allowable load 6 and 3 kwa. These jumper wires are taken from a 3 phase electric meter. Meters are in open Sun. What max load these wires can take.
What will happen to the protection and metering, if the polarity of a single or two PT/PTs in three phase system is reversed? Please provide reference if any.
Baud rate is used to descrice...?
if we convert kva into Ampers,which one formula use by us,pls tell me?
How to design power source say 5KW i/p :415v 3 ph, o/p 5KW constant, variable currnt and variable volatge 10-230v,
Can anyone tell me some hints about what type of questions are asked by the interviewer by an Electronics engineer when company is installing an IPP and wants a team of engineers?
What is the current carrying capacity of 0SWG,3SWG,10 & 12 SWG solid bare overhead copper conductors?
what is the use of CurrentTransformer in AVR ?
Is it reuired to use house service barcket for 31/2 core 300 cable,if the distance between pole & shop is around 2 mtrs only or can I hang the cable with GI support in air? upto what size of cable GI serrvice btacket is necessary?