why we are using Load factor?
What is the basic working principle of Tri vector meter?
1 hp single phase motor is more likely to get hot thsn inone hp 3 phase motor its true or false? If true why?
How to convert 2 phase to 3 phase electricpower in induction moter?
What is the role of Dedicated earthing in UPS System?
what is rocking arrangement in arc heating
what is Different between Bilinear and Unilenier?
what are trouble functions of transformer?ex. prv trip,oltc,oti,wti.explain detail.
What it indicates by 25/41MVA on transformer?
what is the working principle of contactor and conditions of normal open and normal close on it?
Types of circuit breaker
why we short ckt the secondry vo5tage/ winding in transfr and motor?
Why breakers not synchronized when the synchroscope is going in the anticlockwise direction?