date format and we should 8 digits - not accepted only /accepted write how many in test cases in the date format valid , and in valid
Anybody Explain me Bug Life Cycle..?
please send me interview questions asked in google in testing - manual
What is mean by Open Source tools?
Can anybody tell me how to write teste cases real time with a example.And what doc. u require for it.And what r the testing types u apply seriiiially on the application.REAL TIME PEOPLE ONLY.
4 Answers Quest, State Bank Of India SBI,
When will we write "use cases"? I mean that before writing test cases or after writing test cases? Please give me reply or send me answer to my mail id '' Thanks in Advance.
what is the architecture of your current project?
combo box is object or picture?
How u can do regration testing/retesting testing, after assign bug to devloper, how to manage the test cycle number and built number, plz tell me....
Scenario-based testing Option 1 concentrates on actor and software interaction Option 2 misses errors in specifications Option 3 misses errors in subsystem interactions Option 4 Both 1 abd 2
How To Resolve the Test cases?
How to perform the end to end testing or system testing for the Railway ticket booking application?
What is the difference in b/w waterfall & V'model?