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Visual Soft Interview Questions
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password is having 6 digit alphanumerics then what r the possible input conditions?

6 12072

Describe the role of inetinfo.exe, aspnet_isapi.dll and aspnet_wp.exe in the page loading process

1 10075

What?s the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write()?

2 5542

What methods are fired during the page load?

7 21386

Where does the Web page belong in the .NET Framework class hierarchy?

1 6646

Where do you store the information about the user?s locale?

1 6844

What?s the difference between Codebehind="MyCode.aspx.cs" and Src="MyCode.aspx.cs"?

1 6467

What?s a bubbled event?

6 10225

Suppose you want a certain ASP.NET function executed on MouseOver overa certain button. Where do you add an event handler?

3 11043

What data type does the RangeValidator control support?

3 6971

Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code?

12 27443

What?s the implicit name of the parameter that gets passed into the class? set method?

3 8568

How do you inherit from a class in C#?

3 7375

Does C# support multiple inheritance?

3 8015

When you inherit a protected class-level variable, who is it available to?

4 5757

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What are you expecting from Henkel in the future?


Why use drupal?


How to create a new page in magento?


Do threads have pids?


How many types of reports can be generated using testdirector?


What does mern stack?


How many people are necessary for partnerships?


What unix is mac os based on?


What are the file permissions in linux?


What is invoice verification?


How many messaging models do jms provide for and what are they?


How do I restart iis in windows 10?


What is property binding in angular?


Tell about the life cycle of java server faces.


Why is __ init __ used in python?